上海中联律师事务所合伙人,华东政法大学法律硕士,华东理工大学法学院兼职教授、硕士生校外导师,上海市法学会首批“上海涉外法律人才”,上海律师协会认证“涉外专业律师”,广州、海南、南昌、南京等仲裁委仲裁员,中国政法... 详细>>
执业律所:上海市浦东新区陆家嘴环路 1366 号富士康大厦 7 层
联系地址:上海市浦东新区陆家嘴环路 1366 号富士康大厦 7 层如需帮助,请发邮件到David.li@sgla.com,简述基本事实和您的问题,留下姓名和手机号码,我们将在收到邮件后第一时间回复,谢谢!
合同编号(Contract No.):_________
签约地点(Signed at):____________
卖方: 电话(Tel):
The Seller: 传真(Fax):
买方: 电话(Tel):
The Buyer: 传真(Fax):
The Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below:
Name of Commodity
Unit Price
Total Amount:
Total Amount In Words:
允许溢短装 %。
_______% more or less allowed.
8.成交价格术语 Trade Term:
In this contract,all rights and obligations of both parties under agreed trade term shall be governed by the latest version of“INCOTERMS”.
9.运输方式 Shipped by:
10.装运口岸 Port of Loading:
11.目的口岸 Port of Destination:
12.装运期限 Time of Shipment:
13.转运:□允许 □不允许
Transshipment: □allowed □not allowed
分批装运:□允许 □不允许
Partial shipment: □allowed □not allowed
14.唛头 Shipping Mark:
15.付款条件 Terms of Payment:
The Buyer shall pay 100% of the total invoice value by T/T remittance to the Seller not later than ______.
The Buyer shall open an irrevocable L/C at ____sight with _____(bank) in favor of the Seller prior to _____,indicating the L/C shall be valid in China for negotiation within ___days after the shipment date,and the L/C shall bear the contract number.
Documents against payment(D/P): The Buyer shall effect payment against the Seller’s documentary Bill of Exchange drawn at ____ sight on the Buyer,and the documents shall be delivered against payment.
Documents against acceptance(D/A):The Buyer shall duly accept the Seller’s documentary Bill of Exchange drawn at____ sight on the Buyer,and the documents shall be delivered against the Buyer’s acceptance.
16.保险 Insurance:
________shall insure ______for ___% of the invoice value and additionally insure______up to _______.
17. 信用证的规定 Stipulations on Letter of Credit:
The Buyer shall establish the covering Letter of Credit within the stipulated time, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind the contract and to lodge a claim for direct losses sustained, if any.
The contents of the covering Letter of Credit shall be in strict conformity with the Contract. In case of any inconsistency thereof which leads to amendment to the L/C, the Buyer shall bear the expenses for such amendment.
18.装运通知 Advice of Shipment:
The Seller shall, upon completion of loading, within ______hours,advise immediately the Buyer by fax/E-mail of the contract number, name of commodity, number of package, gross and net weights, invoice value, name of vessel and loading date.
19.检验与索赔 Inspection and Claims:
(1)检验 Inspection:
The Seller shall, before shipment, have the quality, specification and quantity of the commodity inspected by ________________, and the inspection authority hereof shall issue Inspection Certification.
The Buyer may authorize local commodity inspection authority to inspect the commodity after the arrival at the port of destination. Where the commodity are found to be damaged, short or missing, or the specification and quantity are found not in conformity with that stipulated in the contract,the Buyer shall lodge a claim against the Seller based on the Inspection Certificate issued by the __________.
(2)索赔 Claims:
凡属品质异议,买方须于货到目的口岸之日起 天内提出;凡属数量异议,买方须于货到目的口岸之日起 天内提出。
In case of quality discrepancy, Buyer should claim within _______days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, Buyer should claim within _______ days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.
Intellectual Property:The Buyer hereby guarantees that the model,trade mark,brand and packing for the Seller’s production or purchase provided by the Buyer, should not infringe any intellectual property(including but not limited to the rights of patent and trade mark ,copyrights and know-how) owned by a third party.
Obligations to the third party: Both parties of this Contract shall assume full responsibility in fulfilling their obligations as per the terms and conditions herein stipulated. Any dispute arising from the execution of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled in accordance with terms as agreed in this Contract by the parties without involving any third party.
22. 不可抗力:因不可抗力事件致使延迟交付或交付不能,无论卖方或买方概不承担责任。但受影响的一方应立即将事故通知另一方,并于事故发生后, ____天内将事故发生地政府主管机关或商会出具的事故证明书用空邮寄给另一方为证,否则要承担延迟通知或未通知的责任。
Force Majeure:Neither the Seller nor the Buyer shall be held responsible for late delivery or non-delivery due to Force Majeure. However, the affected party shall inform the other party immediately of such incident and within _____days thereafter, shall send by airmail to the other party a certificate issued by a competent government authority or the chamber of commerce which is located at the place where the incident occurs as evidence thereof.Othewise, the affected party shall not be exempted from the responsibility of its non-acknowledgement or late acknowledgement.
23. 仲裁:因本合同发生的争议,应当协商解决,协商不成的,提请上海仲裁委员会按其仲裁规则进行仲裁(仲裁地点:上海市江宁路445号时美大厦6楼A座)。
Arbitration: Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through negotiation and conciliation. Failing in reaching a settlement, the dispute shall be submitted to Shanghai Arbitration Commission for arbitration. It will be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s Arbitration Rules that are in effect at the time of applying for the arbitration( Place of arbitration: No.445,Jiangning Rd, Shanghai, Floor 6, Shimei Building A ).
24.法律适用 Applicable Law:
This Contract is governed by United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods.
This Contract is governed by the Laws of the People‘s Republic of China.
25.合同的补充与修改 Supplement and Modification:
(1) 在本合同履行过程中,合同双方继续采用函电(包括但不限于传真、电邮、电传、电报、信件)对合同未尽条款做进一步磋商,或对合同条款做非实质性修改,凡由双方确认的,均视为有效。
During the performance of this contract, any mutually recognized correspondences between both parties (including but not limited to fax, E-mail, telex, telegram and letter) in respect of further negotiations on terms not involved in this Contract or making non-material modifications to the terms hereto, shall be considered effective to this Contract.
Where, after this contract becomes effective, both parties reach a consensus to make material modifications to the terms of this contract, an Amendment in writing shall be executed by both parties.
26.声明与保证 Representation and Warrants:
Each party is duly organized and registered and in good standing in its country or state as a company or business subject and has right and authority to enter into and perform this contract under its civil law.
Execution,delivery and performance of this contract for each party has been duly authorized by all necessary action.
27.合同文字 Languages:
This contract is written both in Chinese and English and the two versions are of the same legal effect. Where dispute occurs in the interpretation of the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
28.附加条款 Additional Clause:
This contract is made out in copies, and it shall become effective upon signature or stamp of both parties.
买方: 卖方:
The Buyer:The Seller:
代表人签字: 代表人签字:
Authorized signature: Authorized signature:
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